News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Crony Communism in China 0 nytimes
Status update: nobody cares about the run you just went on. Or your marathon 0 guardian
Public health messages about Ebola could, and should, have been better 0 guardian
How Rembrandt dressed his women for death 0 guardian
Russia's gas fight with Ukraine 2 bbc
Two Strathclyde University students diagnosed with meningitis 2 bbc
Illegal immigrant arrests double at Dover port 0 bbc
David Cameron 'evades' girl's Cumbria hospital questions 0 bbc
Hong Kong police clear pro-democracy camp at key intersection 1 washpo
In Layers of Gear, Offering Healing Hand to Ebola Patients in Liberia 4 nytimes
Ebola screening extended to Manchester and Birmingham airports 3 bbc
Putin under pressure to commit to fragile peace plan for eastern Ukraine 4 guardian
UN Ebola fund aimed at reaching $1bn to fight deadly virus has received just $100,000 so far 0 independent
Yes, Twitter is putting tweets in your timeline from people you don't follow 2 guardian
Oscar Pistorius sentencing: Athlete has 'lost everything' defence claims 1 independent
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets' 1 bbc