News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Gladiators were 'mostly vegetarian' 0 bbc
Oscar Pistorius sentence: Women's rights groups call for urgent action to combat 'worryingly short' prison terms for ... 0 independent
'Fake' Chelsea footballer jailed for posing as Gael Kakuta 3 bbc
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons intended for Kurds 2 guardian
Shots fired inside Canada parliament 5 bbc
Gerry Adams says IRA 'let down' sex abuse victims 2 bbc
‘Make young unemployed pull up ragwort for benefits,’ says Lord Tebbit 3 guardian
Israel bolsters Sinai border after missile attack on military patrol 1 washpo
Islamic State: Turkey to let Iraq Kurds join Kobane fight 11 bbc
North Korea Says Kim Personally Ordered Release of Detained American Jeffrey Fowle 3 nytimes
Did Michael Brown have his hands up when he was shot? 4 washpo
'It's rape': Sayreville High School players face charges of abusive hazing 0 bbc
Former Blackwater Guards Convicted in Iraq Shooting 0 nytimes
Voters: we want to hear your horror stories 0 guardian
Swiss Guard’s Vatican cookbook promises feast fit for a pope 0 guardian
More Cuban doctors and nurses arrive in west Africa to fight Ebola 0 guardian