News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Alison Grimes doubles down on a 4-Pinocchio claim 0 washpo
The City roundup video: Tesco and Debenhams continue to suffer as Ladbrokes celebrates 94 per cent profit rise 0 independent
Unilever disappoints on emerging markets slowdown 0 independent
Man who jumped White House fence has 'mental health problems' 0 independent
Israeli soldiers filmed 'blindfolding and detaining disabled 11-year-old Palestinian boy accused of throwing stones' 0 independent
Police killer Harry Roberts to be released 'within days' 0 independent
Poppy appeal 2014: Cenotaph vigil opens on centenary of First World War 0 independent
Google offers new email app dubbed Inbox 0 bbc
Nida Naseer inquest: Questions over missing teenager's death 1 bbc
Islamic State crisis: US-led Syria strikes 'kill 553' 2 bbc
Irish racing under cloud as latest court case lists 36 drugs charges 1 guardian
Everton supporters attacked in Lille prior to Europa League clash 1 guardian
Turkey’s president steps up criticism of U.S. airdrops to aid Islamic State foes in Syria 0 washpo
Don’t despair. We can help those whose lives are threatened by climate change 0 guardian
For Luis Suárez the end is in sight. Or is it the beginning? 0 guardian
Eileen Atkins: how I ran away from the circus 0 guardian