News Article Title Version Source Discovered
MI5's star wartime agent revealed as bank clerk 1 bbc
Sweden calls off search for suspected submarine 2 bbc
Richard Dawkins’s cosmic tombstone: what would you add? 1 guardian
Sex, drugs and the EU budget 0 bbc
Abersoch practice could close over GP shortage 0 bbc
Caption Challenge: You crazy arms 0 bbc
Pennie Davis New Forest death: Two charged with conspiracy to murder 0 bbc
Former Bangladeshi Islamist leader jailed for war crimes dies in prison 1 guardian
Tiny turtles tracked on swimming frenzy 1 bbc
Pakistan's Quetta mourns attacks on Shias 0 bbc
Myanmar’s Opening Up Hasn’t Loosened Graft in Courts 0 nytimes
Sweden calls off hunt for submarine 0 guardian
What's it like being a Ukip voter on the Guardian website? 0 guardian
One British jihadi killed in Syria and Iraq every three weeks, study finds 0 guardian
UK told to pay £1.7bn extra to EU 5 bbc
Ottawa shooting: CCTV footage released of suspect Zehaf-Bibeau as police say he planned to go to Syria 1 independent