News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Tower of London poppies: WW1 centenary installation almost complete ahead of Remembrance Day 1 independent
Islamic State: Battle of Tripoli is won but hearts and minds are lost 1 independent
The Guardian view on Tesco’s auditing debacle: a systemic shambles? 1 guardian
Argento loses £80,000 worth of jewellery in burglary 1 bbc
‘Mad Men’ midseason finale recap: One small step for man, one giant leap for Peggy Olson 2 washpo
Zambian President Michael Sata dies in London 7 bbc
'Dead' banker Aubrey Lee Price sentenced to 30 years in prison after faking own death to escape prosecution 0 independent
Bolton chairman plays down talk of £40m takeover by Thai consortium 1 guardian
Child sex accused found dead in River Orwell 0 bbc
Ebola: When health workers' duty to treat is trumped 0 bbc
Murder bid charge over man hit by car in Grangemouth 0 bbc
Argos faces glitches after website update 0 bbc
Man guilty of puppy farm murders 0 bbc
How Australia’s winking Tony Abbott became one of the world’s most unpopular prime ministers 2 washpo
Islamic State crisis: Rebel troops 'boost Kobane defence' 2 bbc
Inter-party talks: US envoy Gary Hart to begin meetings in Northern Ireland 1 bbc