News Article Title Version Source Discovered
‘Autobahn sniper’ sentenced to more than 10 years in prison 0 guardian
Motorway fuel is £8 a tank dearer, says RAC 1 bbc
Israeli Forces Kill Man Suspected of Involvement in Activist’s Shooting 5 nytimes
Manchester street assault: Woman faces death and rape threats 0 bbc
Beamish Wild spends £2,000 on repairing squirrel-damaged rope 0 bbc
Fifty thousand postal votes 'too late for EU elections' 0 bbc
Northern Ireland health service cuts to result in fewer beds 0 bbc
Selkirk pub cannabis crop 'worth up to £1.8m' 0 bbc
Apple chief Tim Cook: 'I'm proud to be gay' 0 bbc
Muslims, immigration and teenage pregnancy: British people are ignorant about almost everything 2 independent
Mystery over Western Isles 'blast' 1 bbc
Prince Harry meets stars to support poppy appeal 1 bbc
Ebola crisis: Could the virus spread in the US? 12 bbc
Iraqi Kurds join fight to break Islamic State siege on Syrian town 0 washpo
Wales' £2bn EU structural funding deal formally agreed 4 bbc
First Iraqi Kurdish fighters enter Isis-besieged Kobani 1 guardian