News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Malala Yousafzai Donates Prize Money to Rebuild Gaza School 0 nytimes
Spain’s economic recovery gathers momentum 0 guardian
Roman Polanski questioned in Poland by prosecutors on US arrest warrant 0 guardian
Mr Turner review – Timothy Spall and Mike Leigh command the screen 0 guardian
The Trojan horse affair has been a wake-up call on faith schools 0 guardian
British food winning over the French 0 guardian
Sri Lankan landslide: villagers defy police to claw through mud for missing people 0 guardian
Zambians don’t care about our new president’s skin colour 1 guardian
Republicans confident of midterm success as apathetic America switches off 1 guardian
Scottish Labour leadership: MP Jim Murphy sets sights on FM role 6 bbc
Iraqi Kurds join fight to break Islamic State siege on Syrian town 4 washpo
Burkina Faso's revolution 2.0 2 guardian
Syria IS: Iraqi Peshmerga fighters 'enter Kobane' 1 bbc
Zoe Quinn: GamerGate must be condemned 3 bbc
Hamburger Face for Congress 2 nytimes
Labour faces prospect of losing more than 30 seats in Scotland at the next election, poll reveals 0 independent