News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Bolivian palace: President Evo Morales signs contract 0 bbc
World War One at Home: John Logie Baird and the undersock 0 bbc
Europe’s Muslims feel under siege 2 washpo
The book in every Iranian home 1 bbc
Lead investigator of wait times at Veterans Affairs still gets criticism over report 3 washpo
Pentagon’s plans for a spy service to rival the CIA have been pared back 1 washpo
What lies beneath London? 0 bbc
A Point of View: Four types of anxiety, and how to cure them 0 bbc
Thomas Keneally: I rejoice that Richard Flanagan has got the acclaim he deserves 1 guardian
Netanyahu Urges Restraint in Row Over Sacred Site 0 nytimes
Argentine Judge Orders Arrest of Spanish Ex-Officials 0 nytimes
UN Ebola patient being treated in French hospital 1 guardian
Nato jets intercept Russian warplanes following 'unusual level of air activity' 2 guardian
Somalia gets first cash machine 1 guardian
Ebola: Are cases levelling off? 0 bbc
'Sweatshop' claims over Fawcett Society slogan T-shirt 0 bbc