News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Merkel warns Cameron is at point of no return on EU 0 independent
Romanian presidential election set to enter run-off 0 bbc
Mark Ramprakash set to be named as England’s permanent batting coach 0 guardian
The ‘father of Android’ leaves Google for new technology hardware startups 0 guardian
Tax statements from George Osborne to show government spend 0 guardian
Twenty-eight killed in 44 US school shootings since Newtown, study finds 2 guardian
From the speed of light to whiter shirts: your science questions answered 1 guardian
Dozens killed in suicide attack at Pakistan-India border post 2 guardian
Grayson Perry: ‘Just because you don’t have a dress on doesn’t stop you being a tranny’ 1 guardian
US midterms: In Alaska the result is so uncertain they don’t even know if it’s close 0 independent
British banker charged after police find two bodies in his Hong Kong flat 0 independent
Republican dissidents thought to be behind punishment attacks on PSNI 0 guardian
British duo in running for Nobel prize for economics 2 guardian
Dov Charney was never an edgy CEO. Selling sex is as old as retail itself 3 guardian
US plan for proxy army to fight Isis in Syria suffers attack 1 guardian
Warren M. Anderson, who led Union Carbide during 1984 Bhopal disaster, dies at 92 0 washpo