News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Shrien Dewani trial: Murder payment was 'not discussed' 0 bbc
A flurry of campaigning across the nation as Election Day nears 1 washpo
Manchester United need two central defenders to stop season limping on 1 guardian
Osborne’s tax summary shows benefits bill is biggest drain. Is this fair? 1 guardian
Google has 'outgrown' its ‘don’t be evil’ mission statement, says Larry Page 1 guardian
Ann Maguire murder: Boy jailed for life 6 bbc
Virgin Galactic exploded seconds after 'feathering' function was activated 9 guardian
Cruz aims to take on Obama if GOP wins Senate; won’t vow support for McConnell 3 washpo
Dachau infamous Nazi concentration camp gate stolen 1 bbc
Brain age tests to be offered to middle-aged in battle against dementia 1 guardian
Map: The Africa without Ebola 0 washpo
World Trade Center open for business 0 bbc
Fifth doctor in Sierra Leone dies of Ebola 0 guardian
Debenhams Christmas ad: the Frog Chorus for festive number one? 0 guardian
Acker Bilk 0 guardian
Colombia: How would a peace deal change the country? 2 bbc