News Article Title Version Source Discovered
You Can't Read the TPP, But These Huge Corporations Can 0 theintercept
"You Can Read My Notes? Not on Your Life!": Top Democratic Senator Blasts Obama's TPP Secrecy 0 theintercept
Raul Castro: Cuba's president accuses US of "illegally training" dissidents inside its diplomatic compound in Havana 0 independent
Ukraine crisis: Report started by murdered Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov claims Russia has spent £673m to fund the con... 0 independent
Yemen crisis: Up to a third of soldiers involved in country's civil war are children, claims Human Rights Watch 0 independent
Demoted Grant Shapps faced awkward first meeting with his new boss, whose Wikipedia page he was accused of editing 0 independent
US Marine helicopter declared missing 0 bbc
Pakistani papers: Bin Laden raid 'mystery' deepens after Hersh article 0 bbc
Israel Says Hezbollah Positions Put Lebanese at Risk 0 nytimes
'We have nothing': survivors of Nepal's second quake left beyond hopeless 0 guardian
Pope says environmental sinners will face God's judgment for world hunger 0 guardian
Spies in the sky: Helen Macdonald on how birds reflect our national anxieties 0 guardian
Police recover guns from George Zimmerman and man who shot at him 0 guardian
How to prevent a stroke in middle age 0 guardian
Don’t let the Tories steal aspiration – we on the left must claim it 0 guardian
Kevin Pietersen remains an issue the muddled ECB just cannot get right 0 guardian