News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ukip supporters are convinced Nigel Farage's defeat is a conspiracy 0 independent
Miliband made 'terrible mistake' in ditching New Labour, says Mandelson 0 guardian
Labour needs to be ready when the Tories slip up - and they will slip up 0 guardian
Li Jinyuan: Chinese billionaire takes 6,400 Tiens Group staff on holiday at cost of £24m 0 independent
Is that really Ed Miliband at an anti-Tory march? 0 independent
Two maps that show Labour really have been reduced to their core support 0 independent
Rohingya migrants' boat rescued off Indonesia 0 bbc
China cuts interest rates to 5.1% as economy slows 0 bbc
Apple’s Beats deal finally starts to make some sense 0 guardian
Ryan Gattis: ‘I knew I’d need to tell my own story as a survivor of violence’ 0 guardian
Sir Peter Ustinov Aston Martin fetches £1.5m in Bonhams auction 0 bbc
Prince Harry meets reptilian namesake in New Zealand 0 bbc
Indonesian President Joko Widodo describes death penalty as 'positive' after Bali Nine executions 1 independent
Indonesian President Joko Widodo describes death penalty as 'positive' after Bali Nine executions 0 independent
Windows 10 will be last version of Microsoft OS 0 independent
Alex Salmond contradicts Nicola Sturgeon by calling SNP election success a 'staging post' to another Scottish indepen... 0 independent