News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Iraq: Bombings Kill 22 at Shiite Mosques 0 nytimes
Bone marrow survivor's wedding vow 0 bbc
Chile waits as Michelle Bachelet considers new cabinet after scandal 0 guardian
The mud-wrestler no-one wanted to touch 0 bbc
Scottish artist opens solo exhibition at Venice Biennale 0 bbc
David Cameron working out his first all-Tory cabinet 0 bbc
Would-be seller of US secrets undone by LinkedIn boast 0 guardian
Natalie Portman set to play Ruth Bader Ginsburg in new biopic 0 guardian
Nepal earthquake appeal raises £4m in Scotland 0 bbc
Bradford City stadium fire: The untold stories of the 1985 fire that devastated Valley Parade 0 independent
Venezuela policeman jailed over teenager death in protest 0 bbc
China 'expanding island building' in South China Sea 0 bbc
Nepalese Village, Devastated by Quake, Is Left to Cope as International Attention Shifts 0 nytimes
Baltimore: Freddie Gray police threaten to sue state's attorney Marilyn Mosby 0 guardian
Does David Cameron's win mean Jim Messina is better than David Axelrod? 0 guardian
General Election 2015: How the newspapers responded to Cameron's victory 0 independent