News Article Title Version Source Discovered
General Election 2015: Ed Miliband has kept Labour in the game despite their campaign being clouded by the spectre of... 0 independent
Rape victim takes Oxford University to court claiming it failed to investigate alleged rape 0 independent
Thousands plan to march on Downing Street if David Cameron refuses to leave Number 10 0 independent
Ryanair upgrade boosts airline shares, but FTSE falls 3 bbc
Poland’s World War II Ceremonies Lose Some Edge as Tensions With Russia Ebb 0 nytimes
France Opens Criminal Inquiry Into Charges of Abuse by Peacekeepers in Africa 0 nytimes
As an undecided first-time voter, my choice was between head and heart 0 guardian
Burundi protesters set man ablaze in apparent revenge attack 0 guardian
14 held in sex abuse investigation in West Midlands and Chesterfield 0 guardian
On the frontline with pro-life campaigners: 'What happens in there cannot be undone' 0 guardian
The new wave of new noise: 'Our music is the closest thing we have to a riot' 0 guardian
Brazil football fan club deaths lead to police arrests 0 bbc
Two men died after 'catastrophic' stairlift welding fault 0 bbc
Baltimore riots: FBI admits monitoring Freddie Gray protests with spy planes 0 independent
Black box data reveals Lubitz may have tried to change course during Germanwings descent 0 independent
Cocaine ring run from New York pizzeria smashed 0 bbc