News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Colombia to extradite Robert Serra murder suspect to Venezuela 0 bbc
Documents: Green Beret Who Sought Job At CIA Confessed To Murder 0 theintercept
Georgia: Orthodoxy in the classroom 0 bbc
Lib Dems should reject another coalition with Tories, says Lord Steel 0 guardian
Nearly one in four British children overweight or obese, claims study 0 guardian
'Are LGBT people safe with the Tories?' asks Attitude magazine 0 guardian
Golden Dawn trial: Nervous Greeks fear court case 0 bbc
MH17 crash: Russian challenge to rebel Buk missile theory 0 bbc
Police Scotland invest to tackle cyber-crime 0 bbc
Loretta Lynch: The woman 'to restore faith in US justice' 0 bbc
U.S.-Iran Tensions Appear to Ease in Strait of Hormuz 0 nytimes
Elon Musk hails 'crazy' response to Tesla battery launch 0 guardian
Chihuahua killed by flock of seagulls in Devon 0 independent
Food Photographer of the Year 2015 0 bbc
Election 2015: Voting enters final half-hour 0 bbc
Children as young as seven reported to police for attacks on parents 0 independent