News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Costa Rica shipwreck sparks toxic chemical spill alert 0 bbc
Four steps to becoming Scottish Labour Party leader 6 bbc
General Election 2015: What happens after the election? 0 independent
Police launch search for missing Essex schoolgirls Sammy Clarke and Siobhan Clarke 0 independent
General Election 2015: Fishing is on Nigel Farage's mind as he casts a line to the disaffected of Grimsby 0 independent
Boko Haram freed Nigerian women tell of captivity horror 0 bbc
Cuts make a nonsense of empowering cities 0 guardian
Only Labour is really serious about the arts 0 guardian
Nepal earthquake: Humanitarian aid is piling up unused at Kathmandu airport because of import restrictions, UN warns 0 independent
The Media Column: On election night who will win the battle of the airwaves? 0 independent
Miriam Gonzalez Durantez: Everything’s on the menu, says Nick Clegg's wife – except politics 0 independent
General Election 2015: Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg to be tackled over Living Wage plans 0 independent
Anti-Police Protest in Israel Turns Violent 0 nytimes
The Guardian view on reading maps: so much more than navigation 0 guardian
We’re hurtling towards another hung parliament – will the parties adapt or die? 0 guardian
The Guardian view on trust in politics: by dodging the voters politicians risk damaging democracy itself 0 guardian