News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Carcraft closure: 500 jobs to go at second-hand car dealer 0 bbc
US 'will not fund research for modifying embryo DNA' 0 bbc
Europe's forgotten city back in premier league 0 independent
Sports Direct hits back at Dispatches exposé of 'Victorian era' working conditions 0 independent
Kim Jong-un snubs Vladimir Putin and cancels planned visit for Russia WWII anniversary 0 independent
Release Mohamed Nasheed – an innocent man and the Maldives’ great hope 0 guardian
Texas state guard monitors military exercise to quell conspiracy theorists 0 guardian
Mary Jane Veloso: Why was she spared in the Indonesian executions? 0 guardian
Reginald D Hunter: ‘I know I’m gonna piss someone off this time’ 0 guardian
German police seize explosives in anti-terror raid 0 bbc
Teignmouth traffic warden attacked in parking ticket mix-up 0 bbc
Election 2015: David Blunkett warns of SNP 'tsunami' 0 bbc
Syria conflict: Islamic State arms dump 'blows up' 0 bbc
Photo of last wartime raid discovered 0 bbc
Gurkhas march to remember fallen comrades 0 bbc
Finally, a high-quality interactive online map of every UK parliamentary constituency 0 independent