News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Droughts lead to California's biggest salmon hatchery driving millions of fish to the coast 0 independent
Grandfather Mark Jones is jailed for life for murdering newborn granddaughter 0 independent
General election 2015: Nicola Sturgeon rejects claims SNP will 'propose another Scottish independence referendum in 2... 0 independent
Female genital mutilation increase in England 'only tip of iceberg' 0 guardian
Students Speak: Volunteer holidays can be a powerful tool for development 0 guardian
China worried US cyber strategy 'ups the ante on the internet arms race' 0 guardian
I banned bigots from my Crossfit gym – and learned a lesson in privilege 0 guardian
How #tattoogate has highlighted a wider problem with wearables 0 guardian
Liverpool’s Jon Flanagan out for at least six months after more knee surgery 0 guardian
Germany spy scandal turns tables on Merkel government 0 bbc
Three men arrested over Rotherham child sex abuse 0 bbc
Royal baby: When to induce? 0 bbc
Election 2015: Parties receive £4.2m donations in week three 0 bbc
Animal ban for snake owner Steven Riddell over live bait treatment 0 bbc
Corfu holiday gas deaths: Thomas Cook rep declines apology request 0 bbc
Brighton men jailed for 'spiked drinks' rape 0 bbc