News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Despite Protests, Indonesia Moves Forward to Execute Drug Convicts 0 nytimes
Poland's stance is 'anti-Russian hysteria', says Night Wolves leader 0 guardian
Nick Clegg’s rules on coalition-building are ‘absurd’, says constitutional expert 0 guardian
‘Disgraceful’ Tory attacks on the SNP are endangering union, say top Lib Dems 0 guardian
Conservative support slips but party stays just ahead of Labour 0 guardian
Ed Miliband: I’ll peg private rent rises to inflation 0 guardian
London Marathon’s journey from the Observer to a national institution 0 guardian
Everest Climbers Are Killed as Nepal Quake Sets Off Avalanche 0 nytimes
Nepal earthquake: US to send disaster response team and $1m in aid 0 guardian
Ireland country profile - Overview 6 bbc
TSA Warns of Possible ISIS Attack on U.S. Soil 0 theintercept
Election 2015: Ed Miliband plans 'to curb rip-off rent' 0 bbc
Ukraine conflict: Poroshenko vows to 'calm' Mariupol fighting 2 bbc
U.S. Expresses Concern About Dismissal of Haiti Kidnapping Case 0 nytimes
Everest Climbers Are Killed as Nepal Quake Sets Off Avalanche 0 nytimes
Cruz to Vegas high-rollers: bet on me to back Israel and stop Iran deal 0 guardian