News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Why can’t the world keep its promises? 0 bbc
Hong Kong shares hit seven-year high 0 bbc
April Jones: Family urges potential abusers to seek help before offending 0 bbc
Breast cancer risk test devised in 77-gene analysis 0 bbc
Supply teachers' training worry - NUT 0 bbc
Belfast: Neighbours tried to save elderly woman from house fire 0 bbc
Police Facebook selfie goader jailed after Lincoln police hunt 0 bbc
Warning over Islamic radicalisation in England's prisons 0 bbc
Mediterranean migrants crisis: West Africa’s lost boys 0 bbc
Mediterranean migrants crisis: Is military force the solution? 0 bbc
French Investigators Seek Possible Accomplices in Plot to Attack Church 0 nytimes
Exercise brings me friends, happiness and health. It’s not about losing weight 0 guardian
Britain sidesteps Armenian genocide recognition a century after killings 0 guardian
Ten ways to buy books without money 0 guardian
Catalan nudists vow to take fight to bare all on beach to Strasbourg 0 guardian
YouTube stars Ryan Higa and the Young Turks launch 'superfan' mobile apps 0 guardian