News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Have the Danes cracked childhood obesity? 4 bbc
Network Rail suspends West Coast Railway trains 1 bbc
Kinnock: Ed Miliband is not in danger as Labour leader 2 bbc
Detroit bankruptcy exit plan approved by US judge 3 bbc
Cycle superhighways scheme 'not thought through' 3 bbc
Tory resit plan for pupils with poor Sats results 1 bbc
Four injured as ferry hits Dover harbour wall 7 bbc
China's economic risks 'not scary' - President Xi Jinping 3 bbc
WW1: Descendants remember Gallipoli campaign 3 bbc
Tobacco tax 'must help clear litter' - MPs 2 bbc
Police investigate shots fired in Londonderry disturbance 1 bbc
Poland remembers Smolensk air crash amid controversy 1 bbc
Galliagh: Police step up patrols after trouble in Leafair 1 bbc
Leighann Duffy murder: Lloyd Byfield jailed for life 1 bbc
Malta bird hunters celebrate referendum victory 1 bbc
Estonia President Toomas Ilves seeks permanent Nato force 1 bbc