News Article Title Version Source Discovered
After Garissa attack, grief and questions in Kenya 1 bbc
Cuban athletes face hurdles on road to sporting glory 2 bbc
Hong Kong protests: Premier Li stresses social stability 2 bbc
Councils need fly-tipping powers, says Local Government Association 2 bbc
Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall visit US memorials 8 bbc
Kenyan grandmother at school with her great-great-grandchildren 4 bbc
Call for more non-politicians on Commons standards body 2 bbc
Flood funding plans unclear, say MPs 2 bbc
Alexander Litvinenko 'killed on third attempt' 3 bbc
The Texas 'liberty cities' rebellion 1 bbc
Latin America's wake-up call on global school tests 1 bbc
Brazil indigenous leader fights for tribe's visibility 1 bbc
Plucking hairs 'can make more grow' 1 bbc
Christmas floods: One year on since wettest winter 2 bbc
'Successful year' for John Muir Way walking route in Scotland 2 bbc
Norwegian green energy to power UK homes 1 bbc