News Article Title Version Source Discovered
'Fake Sheikh': Prosecutors contact historical defendants 6 bbc
Is this Hillary Clinton’s time? 1 bbc
Elmley Prison inmate 'ninth to die in 2014' 4 bbc
Letter from Africa: Finger-pointing over Boko Haram 2 bbc
Don't 'talk up' Taliban attacks says ex-UK army chief 3 bbc
Sports Direct billionaire Ashley 'needs power check' 1 bbc
Birmingham pub bombs victims' families to lobby MEPs 2 bbc
Mothers campaign group to leave Newham flats 3 bbc
The £8bn NHS political row 1 bbc
China media: Tycoon execution 2 bbc
T in the Park 'may not carry on' if site turned down, says chief 1 bbc
Spain's anti-corruption parties shake up old politics 2 bbc
Chernobyl: Containing the world's worst nuclear accident 3 bbc
Nikkei hits 20,000 level for first time in 15 years 1 bbc
Fragile Afghanistan faces uncertain future 3 bbc
Eric Garner death: Fresh protests across US cities 9 bbc