News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Houthi Forces Move on Southern Yemen, Raising Specter of Regional Ground War 0 nytimes
The Germanwings tragedy: inside the mind of a pilot 0 guardian
Indiana is not protecting religious freedom but outright zealotry 0 guardian
Debbie Jevans stands down as England Rugby World Cup chief executive 0 guardian
CGI Friday: a brief history of computer-generated actors 0 guardian
Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for deadly Somalia hotel attack 0 guardian
Feminism doesn’t mean a battle of the sexes, but a common goal for all 0 guardian
Greece hands over list of proposed reforms to eurozone creditors - live updates 14 guardian
Julie Bishop says executing Bali Nine pair might hurt Australian tourism to Indonesia 0 guardian
UK science teacher reaches shortlist for 'Nobel prize of teaching' 0 guardian
Doctors urged to do more to promote the 'miracle cure' of regular exercise 0 guardian
Sorry - this page has been removed. 0 guardian
Chelsea Manning allowed to have hormone therapy 0 guardian
Co-Pilot in Germanwings Crash Hid Medical Condition From Employer, Prosecutors Say 7 nytimes
Past winners' testimonials: Francis McCrickard 1 guardian
Taxi drivers protest driverless tech advances by projecting their faces onto London landmarks 0 independent