News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sorry – the page you are looking for has been removed 1 guardian
Judge tells ex-wife of millionaire horse surgeon: 'go out to work' 0 guardian
PPI problems still the cause of most complaints to financial ombudsman 0 guardian
Supreme Court rules against Alabama plan to redraw legislative districts 1 washpo
FBI adapts to face terrorism threats but still faces challenges, report finds 2 washpo
Mother, daughter from Nokesville on flight that crashed in French Alps 0 washpo
Prime Minister's Questions: 11 reasons why it epitomises the worst in British politics 1 independent
Erdoğan plan for super-presidency puts Turkey's democracy at stake 1 guardian
BT returns to mobile-phone market with airtime deals 2 guardian
Philadelphia police shooting victims are 81% African American, report finds 2 guardian
Minecraft free for every secondary school in Northern Ireland 1 guardian
India’s Cricket World Cup semi-final against Australia not mission impossible 1 guardian
FA’s homegrown crusade an uphill battle against Premier League’s sexy signings 1 guardian
Balls rules out NI rise after Cameron wrongfoots Miliband on VAT 3 guardian
Don't click on that porn video shared by a Facebook friend: it may be malware 0 guardian
Five things we've learned from the weekend's TV – from Louie Spence to Nick Clegg 0 guardian