News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Rory McIlroy would have been the just BBC Sports Personality of the Year 0 guardian
Broadchurch series two: what did you think of the opening episode? 0 guardian
Why would people 'choose' to be gay? 0 guardian
Great treks around the world: readers’ travel tips 0 guardian
Cracks in the digital map: what the 'geoweb' gets wrong about real streets 0 guardian
Saudi-led airstrikes intensify in Yemen as possible coalition land attack looms 4 washpo
In Virginia ABC arrest numbers, tilt is toward buyers rather than sellers 0 washpo
Gordon Brown reignites war or words with SNP 0 independent
Among new clues about co-pilot: Reports of ‘pressure,’ vision problems 3 washpo
No. 2 Negotiators in Iran Talks Argue Physics Behind Politics 2 nytimes
U.S. patent office cancels Redskins trademark registration, says name is disparaging 3 washpo
Leicester’s Geoff Parling scores to seal win over his new club Exeter 1 guardian
Ellen Pao: Discrimination defeat, but venture capital partner hopes case will help women 1 independent
David Cameron makes personal attack on Ed Miliband and 'sneering socialists' 1 guardian
Foreign ministers arrive amid crucial weekend for Iran nuclear talks 3 washpo
Tennessee sterilisations in plea deals for women evoke dark time in America 0 guardian