News Article Title Version Source Discovered
U.S., Britain fear possible ‘political interference’ in Nigerian election 1 washpo
China Appears to Attack GitHub by Diverting Web Traffic 2 nytimes
Iran nuclear talks: Prospect of deal with Iran pushes Saudi Arabia and Israel into an unlikely alliance 0 independent
Ed Miliband: EU exit threat makes reforms harder to negotiate 1 guardian
Saudi-Led Assault on Yemen Intensifies, With Airstrikes on Capital and Naval Blockade 2 nytimes
Lead prosecutor in al-Shabaab bombing trial shot dead in Uganda 0 guardian
Vulva artist transforms Colorado women's vaginas into body-positive art 0 guardian
Greek PM Tsipras vows to win 'honourable compromise' in bailout talks - live updates 21 guardian
Martin Freeman unveiled as Labour's first big election endorser: 'My values are about community, compassion, decency' 1 independent
Gibraltar couple and two children found stabbed to death 5 guardian
David Cameron launches election campaign with swipes at Ed Miliband 5 guardian
Greece in talks with eurozone as Angela Merkel says reform plan must 'add up' 1 guardian
Indiana lawmakers looking to clarify religious-freedom law that could discriminate against gays 0 independent
Fur, flight and ferocity: Rihanna brings back rap theatrics 1 guardian
Hobbit star Martin Freeman appears in Labour election broadcast 1 guardian
Herland: the forgotten feminist classic about a civilisation without men 1 guardian