News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Teachers' union backs ballot on strike tied to schools funding 0 guardian
Edward Snowden tells John Oliver he did not read all leaked NSA material 0 guardian
Election merchandise: a mug's game from SNP onesie to Ukip chiffon scarf 0 guardian
Air India grounds two pilots after cockpit dispute 0 guardian
Child soldiers in Central African Republic more than doubled, says charity 0 guardian
Developing countries lose $2 for every $1 gained, report says 0 guardian
Easter traditions: The six most unusual customs from across Europe 4 independent
New arthritis implant hailed as ‘magic’ 0 guardian
International Space Station crew evacuates US section due to 'leak' 0 guardian
Your computer knows you better than your friends do, say researchers 0 guardian
BBC prepares to boost Ukip coverage as it ranks it a larger party in election 0 guardian
Paul Jewell to take legal advice over sudden departure from West Brom 0 guardian
Serial escapee bison filmed being chased by police after fleeing its farm for the sixth time - video 1 independent
Kenya launches air strikes against al-Shabaab camps in Somalia 2 guardian
Walmart has banned Olympic medallist Ronda Rousey’s book because it is 'too violent' 1 independent
YouTube, Facebook and Twitter blocked in Turkey over Istanbul prosecutor siege images 0 independent