News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Walter Scott shooting: White police officer charged with murder after video emerges of him 'killing unarmed black man... 3 independent
Shirley Cramer: health advice with your haircut 0 guardian
All I want for Christmas is you to watch this: Mariah Carey to make festive film 0 guardian
Binge drinking drove me out of Britain 0 guardian
Foreign affairs department apologises for 'ill-judged' job cuts April Fool's joke 1 guardian
Greece wants Germany to repay €279bn it was forced to loan the Nazi authorities during WWII 5 independent
Shell confirms agreed £47bn bid for UK gas producer BG Group 4 guardian
Nicola Sturgeon: I'll help Ed Miliband become Prime Minister 0 independent
Duncan Bannatyne says he'll vote Labour because of Ed Miliband's 'courage' in taking on non-dom tax status 0 independent
Rebranding bran: teaching nutrient-rich cooking in Mali 1 guardian
Alexis Tsipras flies to Moscow amid speculation of bailout from Putin 3 guardian
South Carolina police officer charged with murder after shooting man in back 8 guardian
U.S. Defense Chief Warns of Al Qaeda’s Gains in Yemen 0 nytimes
Syria: ‘My family called from Idlib. They wanted my help to flee the fighting’ 0 guardian
The pollsters predict: Miliband nudging ahead 0 guardian
Chocolate: does it really lift our mood and make us feel romantic? I should cocoa 0 guardian