News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Yemen hostage: US reveals bid to rescue Luke Somers 4 bbc
Charlene Downes murder: Police offer £100k reward 1 bbc
The £50bn gap between Tories and Labour 1 bbc
Kidney deaths inquest: No criticism over transplant deaths 9 bbc
Bodies of Charlotte Bevan and missing daughter Zaani found 10 bbc
Ukraine crisis: New initiative on ceasefire 1 bbc
Video shows Tulsa police killing man as officer uses gun not Taser 'by mistake' 2 guardian
Notts County demands Peta anti-dairy advert is removed 1 bbc
Eric Garner death: What next for the chokehold? 1 bbc
Stamp duty changes: How will they work? 5 bbc
Nuisance neighbours: John Leech MP calls for 24-hour hotline to deal with problem 3 bbc
Royal Highland Show organisers fined over accident that killed Ben Craggs 1 bbc
Richard III's DNA throws up infidelity surprise 7 bbc
Dalriada hospital to remain open following court decision 4 bbc
Russia Chechnya: Deadly rebel attack rocks Grozny 7 bbc
Elmley Prison inmate 'ninth to die in 2014' 3 bbc