News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Indonesian man survives hour-long flight to Jakarta clinging to landing gear 0 guardian
Election 2015 live: Labour announces crackdown on non-dom tax arrangements amid confusion over Tory response 7 independent
Ed Miliband’s war on non-doms shows whose side he is on 1 guardian
Hatton Garden jewellery burglary: Thieves may have stolen jewels worth up to £200m – but true value may never be reve... 0 independent
David Bowie co-writing stage work that will feature new songs 5 guardian
General Election 2015: Watch Ed Balls explain why scrapping non-dom status would cost Britain money 2 independent
Until universities divest from fossil fuels they will undermine all they stand for 0 guardian
Fat can be healthy, so don’t tell me you’re dieting for health reasons 0 guardian
Alexander Litvinenko may have killed himself accidentally, accused says 0 guardian
Want to become a football coach? Here is how to take the first step 0 guardian
Becky Watts' body was identified by DNA, inquest hears 0 guardian
Labour accuses Tories of breaking pledge over passport exit checks 0 guardian
OECD calls on rich nations to help poorest as aid falls 0 guardian
Alexis Tsipras looks to Moscow but risks becoming Putin’s useful idiot 1 guardian
Hatton Garden jewellers 'were uninsured' 2 guardian
Watch dramatic car chase reaching 150mph as robbers try to outrun police 0 independent