News Article Title Version Source Discovered
The ghost of Mike Brown: why must a dead black child defend his right to life? 4 guardian
The golden sands of Folkestone: artist buries £10,000 of bullion on beach 2 guardian
Two black candidates elected to Ferguson city council 2 guardian
South Carolina police officer charged with murder after shooting man in back 7 guardian
Walter Scott shooting: White police officer charged with murder after video emerges of him 'killing unarmed black man... 1 independent
Ukip candidate: Test immigrants at the border on their English skills or say ‘see you later fella’ 0 independent
Is Jonathan Franzen really asking us to shrug off the destruction of our world? 1 guardian
Shell launches agreed £47bn bid for UK gas producer BG Group 2 guardian
Google, Apple and Microsoft defend tax set-up that shifts revenue offshore 0 guardian
Despite new threat, UK armed forces heading for spending crisis 1 guardian
Thousands of Turkish students sign petition to build Jedi Temple on university campus 0 independent
'Ship this bed' TV ad unlikely to cause serious offence, says watchdog 1 guardian
China to document 'uncivilised' incidents involving badly behaved tourists 0 independent
Ferguson election: St Louis suburb elects two new black councillors months after Michael Brown shooting 0 independent
Two black candidates elected to Ferguson city council 1 guardian
Turkey and Iran Put Tensions Aside, for a Day 1 nytimes