News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sabra hummus recalls 30,000 cases in the US over listeria contamination 0 independent
Iran’s Supreme Leader Says Sanctions Must Lift When Nuclear Deal Is Signed 4 nytimes
Labour moves ahead of Tories on the day the polls turned 1 guardian
General Election 2015: Tories pledge to freeze commuter rail fares for five years - saving season ticket holders an a... 0 independent
Rand Paul overtakes Hillary Clinton in 'ominous' Colorado and Iowa polls 2 guardian
US-Cuba relations: Cubans want change - but not if Uncle Sam takes over 2 independent
Toronto Orchestra Drops Pianist Over Tweets About Ukraine 1 nytimes
Walter Scott Shooting Video Caught Police Propaganda Machine in Action 3 theintercept
Brazilian ruling party treasurer insists Petrobras campaign money was legal 1 guardian
General Election 2015: Cameron would be held hostage by Ukip if Tories form minority government, says Clegg 0 independent
Dennis Marks obituary 1 guardian
Walter Scott's family to file wrongful death and civil rights violation lawsuit 0 guardian
Mad Men: the perfect advert for prestige TV 0 guardian
Labour moves ahead of Tories on the day the polls turned 0 guardian
Gatwick oil discovery: Claims up to 100 billion barrels of oil met with substantial scepticism 1 independent
US-Cuba relations: Cubans want change - but not if Uncle Sam takes over 1 independent