News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Arson arrest after Hemsworth flats fire 0 bbc
Hillary Clinton: I'm running for president 2 guardian
Singapore's construction worker poets 2 bbc
Robert Buczek guilty of Eleanor Whitelaw scissors murder 6 bbc
Prince Harry arrives in Australia for military duties 0 bbc
Hillary Clinton declares 2016 Democratic presidential bid 3 bbc
Elizabeth: Oliver Cromwell's 'queen' 2 bbc
Obituary: Jeremy Thorpe 3 bbc
What do dictators like to eat? 4 bbc
A million non-emergency 101 calls abandoned 2 bbc
Disabled man 'put up for auction' on care website 1 bbc
Edinburgh trams: Plans to expand network to Leith 1 bbc
Die Linke triumph: Mixed reaction as German far-left gains power 1 bbc
Not-for-profit firm could run Welsh rail services, says Hart 2 bbc
'Skunk power' creates confusion over nuclear fusion 3 bbc
Mrs Doubtfire musical 'in its early stages' 0 bbc