News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Archbishop Welby in 'visit of condolence' for murdered Egyptian Christians 0 bbc
Election 2015: Fewer nurses forecast for NHS - Labour 0 bbc
China Cracks Down on Golf, the ‘Sport for Millionaires’ 0 nytimes
Jeremy Clarkson says he had cancer scare two days before Top Gear fracas 0 guardian
Fears grow of Greek euro exit after IMF meeting 0 guardian
Italy ferry: Death toll rises to 10 as evacuation ends 7 bbc
Shay Given: ‘Do you ever get over being dropped for an FA Cup final?’ 0 guardian
Journalists should not face trial over payment of officials, says ex-DPP 0 guardian
Ohio police officer praised for restraint after refusing to shoot suspect 0 guardian
Revealed: how Tories covered up pro-EU evidence in key Whitehall report 0 guardian
Magaluf’s days of drinking and casual sex are numbered – or so Mallorca hopes 0 guardian
Rana Plaza: rallies in Bangladesh as victims await compensation 0 guardian
Ben Affleck suppressed slave-owning ancestry, hacked Sony emails claim 0 guardian
South Africa faces backlash over xenophobic attacks on migrant workers 0 guardian
Rivers, vicars, and Boris Johnson's bum: the joys of cycle commuting 1 guardian
One World Trade Center: how New York tried to rebuild its soul 1 guardian