News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Louis van Gaal tells Marouane Fellaini to keep his focus against Everton 0 guardian
Are British schoolgirls more anxious than ever? 0 guardian
Marvel vs DC: dawn of the superhero blockbuster movie war 0 guardian
Sun reporter blasts 'flailing and failing' Operation Elveden 0 guardian
Celebrities sign statement of support for Caroline Lucas – but not the Greens 0 guardian
Katie Hopkins effect: why candidates live in fear of a celebrity endorsement 0 guardian
US government says drilling causes earthquakes – what took them so long? 0 guardian
Video: What people in the City make of the Hound of Hounslow 0 independent
US student carries out fake bomb attack to ask girl to prom 0 independent
Buckingham Palace guard who attacked passers-by in 'most most violent piece of CCTV footage' police officer had seen ... 0 independent
Green party manifesto: key policies explained in a minute 0 independent
Ashley X's five-year speeding fine dodge fails 0 bbc
Syria: Mapping the conflict 5 bbc
Lutfur Rahman consulting human rights lawyers and vows expulsion from office is 'not the end' 0 independent
The Hound of Hounslow has taken the lid off the suburbs’ hidden wild side 0 guardian
Let's talk about sects: Orthodox Jews join national conversation on homosexuality 0 guardian