News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Aldi apologises after selling pork products as 'halal' 0 independent
Salma Hayek, Aishwarya Rai and Parker Posey hit back at gender inequality 1 guardian
Seattle 'kayak-tivists' take on Shell in battle over Arctic oil drilling 1 guardian
Shell accused of strategy risking catastrophic climate change 1 guardian
Double lives – a history of sex and secrecy at Westminster 1 guardian
Hot Chip's Guardian edit 1 guardian
India and China sign deals worth $22bn as Modi ends visit 1 bbc
Why do people join losing political parties? 1 bbc
The metal that brought you cheap flights 1 bbc
Out of a home: The tenants forced to leave town 1 bbc
Man jailed for killing best friend in M6 crash 1 bbc
Texas bikers in deadly shootout at Waco restaurant 3 bbc
Why does Indonesia demand that female military recruits are virgins? 1 bbc
Why I became a nun: 'I had my own flat and a boyfriend but deep down I felt restless' 1 guardian
Universal health coverage and private hospitals are not mutually exclusive 0 guardian
David Cameron has boosted dementia awareness but more needs to be done 0 guardian