News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Former royal aide to leave prison after serving 14 years for murder 0 guardian
Stacey Hyde cleared of murder in retrial 0 guardian
Prehistoric Danish girl 'probably born in Germany' 0 bbc
DNA hints at earlier dog evolution 0 bbc
Prostate cancer gene map points way to targeted drugs 0 bbc
McDonald's faces worker pressure as shareholders meet 0 bbc
Are energy companies ripping us off? 3 independent
Israelis are running out of room to bury their dead 1 independent
'Lord' Edward Davenport: millionaire fraudster forced to sell his 'sex party' mansion to avoid jail 3 independent
Remembering Palmyra: World mourns fall of ancient city by sharing photos and memories 0 independent
There's so many sheep here, you could walk on them 0 independent
Ugandan pop star Jemimah Kansiime arrested and jailed for wearing short dress in music video 0 independent
US fast-track trade bill clears key hurdle in Senate 1 guardian
Grand Theft Auto maker sues BBC over film 1 guardian
What's the truth about free NHS Calpol? 3 bbc
George Osborne says he’s started Tory cuts because it will make the next ones 'smoother' 1 independent