News Article Title Version Source Discovered
As Havana Celebrates Historic Shift, Economic and Political Hopes Rise 3 nytimes
Journey to Rapprochement Visited Worlds of Presidents, Popes and Spies 1 nytimes
India launches largest rocket and unmanned capsule 0 bbc
Opening of Relations Could Bring Cuban Stars to Major League Baseball 0 nytimes
On guns, David Leyonhjelm is neither a champion nor a villain. He's a libertarian 0 guardian
#illridewithyou: do Australia's rightwingers hate it because they don't know their own readers? 0 guardian
Royal Mail privatisation £180m underpriced, review says 0 bbc
Cuba's Raul Castro urges US to lift trade embargo 2 bbc
Sydney siege: Gunman Monis had illegal firearm, say police 2 bbc
Nine Iraqis Were Mistreated in British Custody, Report Says 4 nytimes
Change in U.S. policy toward Cuba dismantles an artifact of the Cold War 0 washpo
Palestinian draft peace plan put before UN Security Council 0 bbc
As Havana Celebrates Historic Shift, Economic and Political Hopes Rise 2 nytimes
Horror Paralyzes Pakistan After a Methodical Slaughter 2 nytimes
AFP admits 'non-definitive' database used to brief PM on Monis gun licence 0 guardian
U.S. Said to Find North Korea Ordered Cyberattack on Sony 5 nytimes