News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Malaysia Airlines 'technically bankrupt' 5 bbc
US defence secretary warns against UK armed forces cuts 2 bbc
Bangladesh Police Charge 41 With Murder Over Rana Plaza Collapse 1 nytimes
Iraq: Islamic State bomb attack 'kills 45 police officers' 3 bbc
Binman sacked after dragging injured dog across street and throwing it into dust cart 0 independent
Shares in China lead gains across much of Asia 3 bbc
Premium Bonds investment limit rises 2 bbc
I've seen my friends harass women on the street. I can't be silent any more 0 guardian
Labour mayoral contest: carping and snarking on the road to City Hall 2 guardian
Tracy Morgan vows to return to comedy during emotional NBC interview 0 guardian
For the First Time Since 9/11, Congress Checks the Security State 0 theintercept
Thousand of Arabs flee from Kurdish fighters in Syria's north 0 independent
SAS march on which three men died 'went ahead to avoid paperwork' 2 guardian
Shrewsbury baby ashes inquiry calls for national inspector of crematoriums 2 bbc
Smoker's son, 2, to be adopted because of health risk 2 bbc
David Cameron at odds with Michael Gove and Theresa May over human rights in first Cabinet split of new Tory Government 2 independent