News Article Title Version Source Discovered
A novel oasis: Argentina's plethora of bookshops captivate voracious readers 0 guardian
Remember, prime minister: British Muslims hate Isis too 0 guardian
Warsi: Cameron wrong to target British Muslims over radicalisation 0 guardian
Danish election: Opposition bloc wins 18 bbc
Berkeley student deaths: shock and heartbreak as tragedy touches Ireland 0 guardian
ECB staves off collapse of Greek banking system with emergency funding 0 guardian
Iowa ban on 'telemedicine' abortions struck down by state supreme court 0 guardian
On guns and race, America is a nation shackled to its past 0 guardian
Let the Donald Trump bashing begin – Mexican artisan launches pinata 0 guardian
Wal-Mart does so much wrong, but the shame is that none of it is illegal 0 independent
Market report: Fidelity fires starting gun on bid for Colt 0 independent
Dreamland: Margate's famous amusement park finally reopens 0 independent
Charleston shooting: Dylann Roof charged with nine counts of murder and one weapons offence - live updates 11 independent
Dylann Storm Roof: Neighbours of Charleston shooting suspect stay behind closed doors as search goes on for answers i... 1 independent
Houses of Parliament Are Crumbling, Report Finds, and There Is No Quick Fix 1 nytimes
Glass ceiling in the sky: Qatar Airways’ problem with pregnant cabin crew 1 guardian