News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Pope Francis: Why didn't allies bomb railway routes taking prisoners to Auschwitz? 0 independent
Hundreds of Australians mark winter solstice with nude swim in Derwent River 0 independent
All abortions should be safe and easy, including ones women have at home 1 guardian
Nurses vote against covert filming in residential homes 1 guardian
New Dalmunach Distillery opened by Nicola Sturgeon 1 bbc
Chelsea’s Bertrand Traoré finally granted work permit 1 guardian
Greece debt crisis: EU leaders hold critical summit 10 bbc
Johnny O’Boyle obituary 0 guardian
Corruption stymies Niger's attempts to stem flow of migrants to Europe 0 guardian
EU announces naval operation to monitor Libyan people smugglers 0 guardian
Saint Laurent’s skinny model is the thin end of the wedge 0 guardian
BuzzFeed UK hires Sunday Times journalist Michael Gillard 0 guardian
CommonSpace joins Scotland's burgeoning alternative media outlets 0 guardian
Nile Rodgers goes busking on London's South Bank 0 guardian
Man who cannot walk or talk called for jobcentre 'back to work' interview 0 guardian
GCHQ's surveillance of two human rights groups ruled illegal by tribunal 0 guardian