News Article Title Version Source Discovered
The graphs that shows how the poor are paying more in tax than the rich – and the gap is widening 2 independent
Gareth Huntley backpacker death: Inquest starts in Malaysia 1 bbc
Libertarians aren't our allies in building a progressive Australia 0 guardian
Northern Territory health sector dogged by multiple workplace bullying claims 0 guardian
Sudan: clean-burning gas stoves have the power to transform lives in North Darfur 0 guardian
How to maximise your state pension 0 guardian
Tories' wasteful housing policy is an opportunity for Labour 0 guardian
Tunisia attack: Injured Britons flown home by RAF 2 bbc
Samsung accused of disabling Microsoft security updates 1 bbc
Schools in Wales face fewer tests in radical shake-up 0 bbc
Military plane crashes in Indonesia 0 bbc
Greece debt crisis: Defiant Tsipras seeks referendum backing 2 bbc
My 25 years as a prostitute 2 bbc
Japan bullet train fire: Two found unconscious after passenger tries to set himself alight 0 independent
Japan bullet train 'self-immolation' fire kills two 4 bbc
India: Rebel leader held over Manipur attack on army 1 bbc