News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Tunisia attack: Sousse killer Rezgui 'trained in Libya' 1 bbc
Maria De Villota's family state Formula 1 test crash 'irregularities' 1 bbc
Leading Tory candidate for London Mayor Zac Goldsmith returns £2,000 donation from wife of convicted tax fraudster 1 independent
Tunisia hotel shooting: British death toll reaches 26 as London grandparents Janet and John Stocker named among victims 9 independent
Marine le Pen to stand in French regional elections 0 guardian
New York prison superintendent and 11 staff placed on leave after breakout 0 guardian
Mexican TV networks denounce Donald Trump as 'racist' and 'offensive' 0 guardian
California governor says 'science is clear' in signing mandatory vaccination bill 0 guardian
Greece crisis: IMF was pushed around by Angela Merkel and Nicholas Sarkozy - and now it is being humiliated 0 independent
Andy McSmith's Diary: MPs’ nepotism vindicated - families who work together stay together 0 independent
IMF: austerity measures would still leave Greece with unsustainable debt 2 guardian
Legal aid cuts: lawyers to begin boycott that could see courts grind to a halt 2 guardian
If execution by torture isn't 'cruel and unusual' punishment, what is? 2 guardian
Universities minister doesn’t rule out raising tuition fees 1 guardian
Ebola crisis: Liberia quarantine after death 2 bbc
Tunisia attack: What we know about the British victims 41 bbc