News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Catholic organisations call for people to change lifestyles to help environment 1 guardian
Argentine City Aims to Stand Out With Rebellious Spirit (and Coke) in a Cup 1 nytimes
Donna Karan steps down as chief designer 0 guardian
Offshore safety-critical maintenance backlog 'growing' 0 bbc
St John's Hospital children's ward to partially close over summer 0 bbc
Greece debt crisis: IMF payment missed as bailout expires 2 bbc
French Telecom Orange Reaches Deal to Potentially Part With Israeli Provider 2 nytimes
Mozambique LGBT activists move on to next battle after anti-gay law scrapped 1 guardian
Leap second: all the latest developments and reaction – live! 0 guardian
Whitehall not permitted access to two thirds of outsourcing contracts – report 0 guardian
Sorry - this page has been removed. 2 guardian
Man shot dead after his dog defecated on a neighbours lawn 0 independent
Melbourne prison riot ends after police raid 0 bbc
Marco Rubio seeks answers as eight charged in Malala shooting go free 1 guardian
Gunman at Tunisian Beach Hotel Trained With Museum Attackers 2 nytimes
French Prosecutor Seeks Terrorism Charges Against Suspect in Decapitation Attack 3 nytimes