News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Why the Indian soldiers of WW1 were forgotten 0 bbc
Russia Sees a Threat in Its Converts to Islam 0 nytimes
Government to scrap child poverty target before tax credits cut 6 guardian
Forget little green men - aliens will look like humans, says Cambridge University evolution expert 0 independent
Inca Road: The ancient highway that created an empire 0 bbc
How I was de-radicalised 0 bbc
Young people face 'housing exile', cabinet minister to warn 0 bbc
Childbirth can't be prettied or manicured – and women shouldn't have to try 1 guardian
SNP's Westminster leader gives Cameron "Evel" eye at PMQs 1 guardian
David Hockney painting auctioned for more than £3m 2 bbc
Consider Syria IS strikes, MPs urged 1 bbc
Greece records lowest life satisfaction rating of all OECD countries 1 guardian
Isis in Egypt: Wave of attacks across the country signals frightening upsurge in militant activity 1 independent
Advice to Build New Heathrow Airport Runway Is Clear. Political Will, Less So. 1 nytimes
Iran Nuclear Talks Could Stall Over Access to Scientists and Sites 1 nytimes
Glenn Beck planning boycott of Charles Darwin movie 1 guardian