News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Men! If you name your penis, you’re a tool 1 guardian
How can we find a property away from school catchment areas? 1 guardian
Chinese stock market has lost £1.5 trillion in the last three weeks 1 independent
Tim Farron: my religion would not be an issue if I were Jewish or Muslim 1 guardian
Alexis Tsipras Urges Greeks to Vote No in Referendum 0 nytimes
Safari guide injured in leopard attack 0 guardian
'We know that the government is all out for shale and we're all out to stop them' 0 guardian
UK maths prodigy sets out to prove his worth at international olympiad 0 guardian
People power has shut the doors on fracking in the UK 0 guardian
Islamic State beware – it’s Cameron’s full-spectrum renaming campaign 0 guardian
Greek debt crisis: The photograph that conveys the despair of Greece's elderly 1 independent
BP to pay £12bn for Gulf oil spill 2 bbc
New York wants to give legal protection to anyone rescuing pet trapped inside boiling or freezing vehicle 1 independent
Pre-pay meter energy users pay £226 a year more: Citizens Advice 5 bbc
Escaped prisoner's letter to daughter: ‘See you on the outside’ 0 guardian
Shell Arctic oil drilling to commence within weeks 2 bbc