News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Tea Party Event Features American Petroleum Institute Front Group 1 theintercept
Tsipras and Merkel: polar opposites who depend entirely on each other 1 guardian
Emergency Budget 2015: Boris Johnson calls on George Osborne to cut top rate of income 3 independent
7 July London bombings: Ceremonies in memory of victims 17 bbc
Bill Cosby testified in 2005 to drugging women for sex, report says 5 independent
Jihadis likely winners of Saudi Arabia's futile war on Yemen's Houthi rebels 0 guardian
Greece Delays Offering New Plan on Debt 9 nytimes
HMRC chair confirms giving 'business advice' to Candy brothers 0 guardian
George Osborne's change to trading laws endangers small stores, say retailers 0 guardian
Hacking Team Used a U.S. Partner To Sell Spyware to the UAE 1 theintercept
Michael Barrymore sues Essex Police over damaged career 2 bbc
Broadway theater-goer jumps on stage to charge cellphone – in fake outlet 0 guardian
PGA slices Donald Trump golf club from tournament schedule 0 guardian
The house always wins: Chanel show takes a spin at grand casino glamour 1 guardian
Hoddesdon £8K orange peel appeal spat with Broxbourne council 0 bbc
Google pulls 'undeletable' app from Play 0 bbc