News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Afghan police clash with protesters at rally against Charlie Hebdo 1 washpo
Greece economy: PM Tsipras seeks to placate creditors 0 bbc
Isis Japanese hostage crisis: Kenji Goto's mother pleads with Shinzo Abe to save son after militants give 24 hours fo... 3 independent
India’s Rajasthan state eases labor laws to spur investment in manufacturing 0 washpo
Kenji Goto: Video 'shows IS beheading Japan hostage' 2 bbc
Islamic State Militants Say They Killed 2nd Japanese Hostage 1 nytimes
Why India should not get complacent over its tiger population 2 bbc
Good cop, bad cop on North Korea? Washington plays the tough guy. 1 washpo
Isis 'kills Japanese hostage Kenji Goto': Government trying to verify video showing execution 1 independent
Kenji Goto: Video 'shows IS beheading Japan hostage' 1 bbc
Clashes Intensify Between Armenia and Azerbaijan Over Disputed Land 1 nytimes
Ukraine Fighting Continues as Talks Stall 1 nytimes
Islamic State Militants Say They Killed Japanese Hostage 0 nytimes
Colombian ex-spy chief Maria Hurtado detained in Panama 0 bbc
Texas governor declares Feb. 2 ‘Chris Kyle Day’ 1 washpo
Kids in Liberia go back to school — in a building where dozens died of Ebola 0 washpo