News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Thousands march in Moscow in memory of shot Russian politician Boris Nemtsov 3 independent
Police officer stabbed in the head in south London 0 independent
Syria girls: At least 60 British women and girls as young as 15 have joined Isis in Syria 0 independent
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi went to same London school as two terrorists who joined al-Qaeda affiliates 1 independent
Boris Nemtsov murder: Thousands march in Moscow 5 bbc
Simon Hamilton says DUP and UUP continue to work on agreeing candidates 0 bbc
Labour denies Owen Smith is blocking further devolution 1 bbc
In a clash between Western ideals and Afghan realities, an effort to elevate the status of women by recruiting them t... 0 nytimes
Swindon illegal rave-raid police officers attacked 1 bbc
Lib Dems say they would block Labour from cutting tuition fees in any future coalition 0 independent
Devolution settlements 'chaotic', says Gerry Holtham 1 bbc
Chelsea fan Richard Barklie: Paris train 'was too full' 0 bbc
Thousands watch parades celebrating St David's Day 0 bbc
Coalition row over 'hate preachers' on university campuses 2 bbc
Jihadi John went to same London school as two other terrorists who joined al-Qaeda affiliates 0 independent
Boris Nemtsov murder: Thousands march in Moscow 4 bbc